Job Benchmarking
When recruiting for a new team member or assessing the talent in your existing team, it is vital to ensure a successful outcome for all involved so we dig a bit deeper in the selection process.
We help our clients review their current process with a view to implementing some new ideas and technology to sharpen the tools and get the decision making right.
An example of what we regularly see with our clients is them spending a small percentage of their time actually doing recruitment as they have their main job to do as well, which in turn dilutes the selection process and harms decision making.
Even if hiring new talent is a core function of their role we can make seismic improvements to enhance the recruitment process or reduce attrition levels adding value to the balance sheet and p&l.
- Other examples we see affecting performance taking so much time include:
- carefully reviewing and sorting through the internal and external applications;
- following up on the (often vague) references;
- conducting the interviews, sometimes involving several staff and team members in the process.
- selecting the person who appears to be the best candidate for the job…
and many more ..
- you can’t judge a book by its cover
- ineffective reference checking
- a great interview does not make a great employee
- having to recruit the role all over again.
- disruption in the team and gaining a reputation for not hiring good talent.
- The outcomes can very often be:
To ensure we minimise the risk of getting the selection process wrong and get the right person in the right role by assessing both hard and soft skills we are laying the foundations to secure what the business needs and a new team member that is happy in their role.
- A bit more on the “how we do this “:
Using state-of-the-art IMX technology, we begin by getting a clear picture of the job, including the interpersonal and self-management requirements, through job benchmarking.
- After all, how can you hire the best person if you have not identified the job’s most critical success factors?
We then facilitate a session with all stakeholders to arrive at a consensus regarding the exact Key Accountabilities of the job (3-7 at most). We quantify, prioritize, and establish measurements for each Key Accountability.
With the Key Accountabilities firmly in mind, Their collective description of what the job really requires is produced in a consolidated report. This becomes your ADV profile where you can benchmark the individual against the required criteria for “performance” of the job role.